Saturday 28 July 2012

Week 1

Theme: "Communication"

The project brief for DNB601 focuses on the idea of ‘sensing the news’. The brief requires a product design to engage the user's ability to be aware of the news or the status of a particular news development. Emerging technologies and the proliferation of telecommunications, entertainment options and online mediums are redefining the way people share and engage with information. The client brief has stipulated that the product is required to facilitate the user’s ability to become aware of the news or the status of a particular news development. It is also important to note that information plays a critical role in numerous aspects of business and life. It drives our communication, our decision making, and our reactions to the entire environment. Therefore, the design must facilitate ease of access, provide management capabilities and fit seamlessly into people’s lives. 

The design team is known as Group 3, with 4 members including myself, Nick Kallinicos, Alex Garrett and Phillip Pappas. The group has previously worked together and is therefore an effective team who are able to meet deadlines while utilizing each other's skills, strengths and knowledge. Until such time as specific roles are determined, each member is currently conducting preliminary research.

The links to the other team member's blogs are:

Nick Kallinicos:
Alex Garrett:
Phillip Pappas:

Interactive Design Sketchbook by Bill Verplank
This reading is highly relevant as it details the processes and frameworks used by industrial designers including ideation sketching, conceptualisation, iterative phases, interaction, design and the paradigm of human-computer interaction. These concepts, in particular, interaction outline how to design for people and the relevant theories to justify and support design choices. Two terminologies which are critical are mappings which refer to human input or action and modes, which refer to a human response or reaction. These terminologies provide the platform in regards to how design can effectively deliver information through justifiable innovations.

The Inmates Are Running Asylum by Alan Cooper
The main focus in this reading surrounds the debate between humans and machines. Computers are perceived as being invasive and annoying. Yet people are entirely dependent on computers and their subsequent technologies and diverse applications of use. The most important aspect of the document that relates to me as an industrial designer is finding the means of how to redefine the way people interact with computers. Our group will need to consider this dilemma and determine an innovative alternative.

Chapter 1: Riddles for the Information Age
What do you get when you cross a computer with a camera?

Modern day society has access to information at their fingertips and has the ability to produce, distribute, co-create and consume knowledge like never before. This ability to share and transfer information freely, is linked with the concept of digital revolution and the advancement in computer technology. Society has shifted from a traditional industry to an economy based society. Chapter one discusses this shift and in particular the incremental advancements in cameras and the ramifications associated with their designs.

The argument used in this particular example regards the complexity of functions installed on modern day cameras and the problems related to their usability.

I also found it quite interesting to note that, the simplicity of earlier cameras provided people with managable and purposeful products that meet a specific need. For example the introduction of power saving mechanisms that allowed users to extend their battery life proved valuable until the technology became so intricate that the camera acted on behalf of its self.

It seems as though camera's these days through the integration of miniaturized computer parts, now have a mind of their own and act on functionality alone and seem to disregard the user's intent. This argument can be supported by the 'typical scenario' example which explains how the user was unable to control the camera on account of a low battery and the fact that the camera was unable to provide feedback to guide the user and help them find a solution. The camera made an "execution decision" to switch off the LCD monitor resulting in an unwanted photograph. This would have left the user feeling powerless, disgruntled and unsatisfied.

It became evident after reading this article that technology is beginning to escape the control of human ingenuity and taking on a mind of its own. Does this mean that products of the future will need to consider how technology is integrated and to what extent will it be able to control the situation?

In regards to the week 5 presentation on human interaction and problem solving, my main aim is to design an product that facilitates the user's natural behaviour while considering both their physical and mental limitations.

Designing Kinetic Interactions for Organic User Interfaces by Amanda Parkes, Ivan Poupyrev and Hiroshi Ishii
This reading discusses the idea of motion both in regards to mechanical innovations and motion picture events. Producing artificial motion underpinned the industrial revolution, but it was not until recently that there has been a rapid climb in interest toward using kinetic motion of physical objects as a communication medium. This information is relevant to the project as it provides the opportunity to design a communication device using smart materials and organic actuators which will take the motion out of the screen and place it in the real world.

Model Workshop
In the model making workshop our group collaborated and conducted some initial brain storming and sketching exercises. The group generated various concepts for different contexts and user groups including, a Braille hub device for blind people, a Morse-code service which relays simplified messages through colour and vibration, and a dancing motion receiver which detects body language and limb movements. 

The group concluded the session with a final design proposal. The product is a small device that attaches to a lifeguard's paddle board and gathers information such as water temperature, rips, marine life, pollution and ocean swells. This information is then relayed to the lifeguard using small icons and colours. The lifeguard then proceeds with placing the appropriate coloured flag depending on the information received, red meaning danger and green meaning safe. Beaches all over Australia could use this device to collect annual data which can be useful for not only the public but marine biologists, lifeguards and wildlife conservationists. 

Ideation and Concept Research
In order to get a better understanding of this semesters project brief I went ahead and conducted some initial brainstorming and research on human-machine interaction. Firstly, I went on YouTube to analysis existing prototypes and concepts that involve the delivery of information or 'news' and have some form of interface or platform for users to communicate.

Video One: 

This concept was a 3D Multi-touch prototype that monitors hand movements and is able to recognize multiple hands simultaneously allowing several users to interact with the system at once. Images are able to be uploaded, moved and edited all through the hand movements. This concept gave me the idea of a system that allows user's to simultaneously send and receive messages through a live feed. User's would be able to communicate with online viewers through hand signals, imagery and different colour combinations.  

Video Two: 

The idea behind this concept is the application of glass and how technology can allow a Multi-purpose interface with endless possibilities. Tables become LCD displays, kitchen tops become a source of news and weather updates, international collaborations and meetings are a touch away, living rooms offer a cinematic experience, and information becomes tangible and accessible by everyone. This video demonstrated how versatile glass is and the numerous applications it can provide us with. My idea involves a product with a tangible surface that detects emotion and other psychological patterns and relays this data through colour, textures and sound.

Video Three:

This is a near-future car interface system design by Mitsubishi electric which they believed will be realized within a decade from now. This concept features a newly developed curved re-projection display as the dash board, a tactile interface with pop-up buttons when needed and a safety system that uses bio-metrics. This concept stood out to me the most due to its innovation and uniqueness. More importantly, it is a technology system that considers and adapts to the user's needs which was a factor discussed in chapter one of the book, "The Inmates are Running the Asylum." The idea that I was able to come up with involves a tactile interface with sensors that detect hand  pressure. Only those sensors which detect human pressure become active so the interface can be used intuitively without looking.